Monday 20 April 2015

A to Z list of stuff to do or see in Dublin (most of them free or under a tenner)

I love making lists, but I'm not sure the world needs another Top 10 stuff to see in Dublin (maybe it does), so I will do an A to Z list instead... These are places or activities that I like, and most of them are either free or under a tenner.

A is for Avoca, this beautiful shop/cafe/bookstore is like a black hole for me. If I go near it, it just absorbs me and makes me go in, to see all the beautiful stuff. It doesn't matter that 99% of the times I buy nothing, I consider visiting it fun in its own merit.

B is for Botanic Gardens, this one is for free and it's better during summer. You can learn about the plants, or simply relax under them.

C is for Candem Street, with lots of restaurants, pubs and shops together, from the fanciest to the very affordable ones (although most of them are somewhere in between).

D is for Dicey's, with pints at half price on Sundays, don't be surprised for super long queues to get in. The place is big and looks nice, and because of their promos, it's always full so arrive early.

E is for Etsy Ireland: This is not a place, but a group of crafters that sell their stuff on If you are into Irish craft and design, this is a great crew to contact, as they might be selling something you like, and there's always a good feeling about supporting local crafts.

F is for Fusion Sundays: A market with international food, music, art and lots of stuff to see and buy, stands with things from many different countries.

G is for Grafton Street: The street with the fancy shops, whether actual shopping or just windows shopping, a walk in Grafton is always a good time (especially if the weather is nice). Expect live music in the street.

H is for Henry Street: The street with less-fancy-than-Grafton-but-still-great shops. They are not so far from each other so a good shopping day in city center can easily cover both.

I is for the Irish Museum of Modern Art: You don't have to understand it to enjoy it (although I'm sure it helps), the place is beautiful, free and always has something new. Besides the art itself, the garden is a great place to visit in its own merit, and it has a very nice and cozy cafe.

J is for Jack Russells: This is me cheating a little bit, but I had to say it. It is so common to see Jack Russell Terriers walking their humans around in Dublin, and as a Jack Russell Terrier lover, I can't help but smile every time I see one, which is very often.
These ones, especially, since they're in my pack

K is for Kildare Village, which is not really in Dublin, but it's only a one hour bus ride that costs a fiver and you will be in a large and lively outlet shopping centre full of famous brands. Many shops are still ridiculously expensive, but if you are patient and know how to search, you can find great outfits for decent prices.

L is for Liffey Valley: One of the biggest shopping centres, it has everything a shopping centre should have (including a cinema).

M is for Mongolian BBQ at lunch time, in Temple Bar: This place is great value for lunch, and very very tasty. For 5.90 euros you can fill a bowl with as much veggies as you can fit, and choose one protein (pork, chicken, fish, etc.), and they cook it there in front of you. You can also add lots of sauces and seasonings.

N is for National Museum of Ireland - Decorative Arts and History: Probably my favorite museum in Dublin. It's also free, as other National Museums, and the best part is the "rooms" where they have assembled different living areas (bedrooms, studios, living rooms) from different periods in history.

O is for Old Jameson Distillery: One of the best-sellers for tourists, and for a reason, you get to learn about Irish whiskey (and to try it of course), and the tour is fun.

P is for Phoenix Park: One of the biggest city parks in Europe, it's beautiful, pet-friendly, full of nature and if you are lucky, you might get to meet the deers that inhabit it.

Q is for Queen of Tarts: One of my favourite cafes, there's two of them (oddly near to each other), but the best one is in Cow's Lane, D2. The pastries are great, the place is super cute.

R is for Rugby: The sport that fills stadiums and pubs, it doesn't matter if you understand it or not, watching a big game with lots of people is a great experience and you'll feel the great and contagious energy of the fans! (eventually you can become one yourself!). Ah, and you can also dare to play it.

S is for St. Stephen's Green Park: The ultimate city centre picnic spot, with a little lake and ducks and swans and squirrels. On a sunny day you can see the smallest patch of grass covered by people that go there to enjoy the sun and relax.

T is for Trinity College: Recognized by its excellence, founded in 1592 and a key part of the student life in the country (even for people that don't study there), there's always an event, concert, party or exhibition worth attending.

U is for Unlimited Card at Cineworld: It's not advertising if they don't pay me (maybe they should, wink wink). Paying a bit more than 20 euros a month for unlimited movies is the best. Besides, it's in the heart of City Centre so you can then walk to many places or take the last bus easily.

V is for Viking Splash Tour: known for giving me a mini heart attack every time they pass by the bus stop I'm in, this boat-car hybrid is full of people that look like they are having their BEST DAY EVER.

W is for Wicklow which, as Kildare, is not really Dublin, but you can get there with Dublin Bus. The number 145 leaves you in beautiful Bray, where you can walk by the beach and then go to one of many lovely restaurants, pubs and cafes.

X is for Xposé on TV3: Each day on TV3 at 6:00 pm. I'm not much of a TV watcher but this one surely got my eye as it's light, local and trendy. Some fun and girly TV with lots of local designers, brands and events.

Z is for Zoo!: I'm so glad that the word "Zoo" starts with a "Z", this makes list-makers lives easier all across the globe. But anyway, Dublin Zoo deserves a mention not only for wining by forfeit the "Cool things to do that starts with a Z", but because it's a great place to visit (since 1831!), especially for families.

In a perfect world, this list would also rhyme, but at least I was lucky enough to find stuff that's nice and starts with the letter X, or Q. This only reinforces my idea that there are too many things to enjoy around Dublin... One year hasn't been enough to discover them all, but I will keep searching and sharing :D

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